Jean-Sauveur Ay

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Contact Information

Professional experience

2014 to now Researcher at INRAE, UMR Cesaer, Dijon
2013 to 2014 Research fellow at INRA, UMR Éco Pub, Paris
2011 to 2013 Postdoctoral fellow at CNRS, UMR Cesco, Paris


2008 to 2011 PhD in Economics at INRA and Université de Bourgogne
2007 to 2008 M.Sc. in Economics at PSE, Paris School of Economics
2005 to 2008 M.Sc. in Economics at Université Aix-Marseille II

Research interest

Land Economics
Land use choices and land price patterns in relation to agricultural, environmental and urban outcomes. Impacts of public policies related to land use and land prices.
Wine Economics
Consumers' preferences for wine characteristics, vineyard prices in relation to geographical indications and environmental factors. Impacts of public policies related to the wine sector.
Applied Econometrics
Spatial econometrics, geographically weighted regression, causal inference, best unbiased predictions, discrete choice models.

Current papers

  • The signaling values of nested wine names (with Julie Le Gallo) [ wp ]
  • Private and social efficiency of insecticide use against an insect-borne infectious disease (with Estelle Gozlan and Emmanuel Paroissien) [ file ]
  • Accounting for homeowner mobility in net housing wealth accumulation across professional occupations (with Thibault Le Corre) [ file ]
  • Supporting homeownership cost-effectively according to policy objectives: French evidence (with Rémi Lei and Julie Le Gallo) [ file ]
  • Does urban sprawl cause residential vacancy across French municipalities? (with Mahamoudou Zore and Catherine Baumont) [ file ]


Refereed papers (in English)

  • External costs of high-voltage overhead transmission lines: Evidence from a causal approach in rural France. (with Tina Rambonilaza and Jean Dubé). Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2024, 109(107639). [ bib ; file ; link ]
  • Building integrated plant health surveillance: a proactive research agenda for anticipating and mitigating disease and pest emergence (with S. Soubeyrand, A. Estoup, G. Thébaud and C. E. Morris and others). CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, 2024, 5(1), 72. [ bib ; link ]
  • Climate-dependent scenarios of land use for biodiversity and ecosystem services in the New Aquitaine region (with N. A. Andriamanantena, C. Gaufreteau and L. Doyen). Regional Environmental Change, 2022, 22(3): 1–15 [ bib ; file ; sup ; link ].
  • Field and landscape risk factors impacting Flavescence dorée infection: Insights from spatial Bayesian modelling in the Bordeaux vineyards (with H. K. Adrakey, S. Malembic-Maher, A. Rusch, L. Riley, L. Ramalanjaona and F. Fabre). Phytopatology, 2022, 112(8): 1686–1697 [ bib ; file ; link ]
  • The informational content of geographical indications. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2021, 103(2): 523–542 [ bib ; file ; sup ; online ; link ]
  • Willingness-to-pay for reshuffling geographical indications (with Monia Saïdi, Stéphan Marette and Christophe Martin). Journal of Wine Economics, 2020, 15(1): 95–111 [ bib ; file ; sup ; online ; link ]
  • Disease dispersion as a spatial interaction: The case of Flavescence Dorée (with Estelle Gozlan). Natural Resource Modeling, 2020, 33:e12265 [ bib ; file ; pres ; link ]
  • Bioeconomic impacts of agroforestry policies in France (with Lauriane Mouysset, Claire Rais Assa, Frédéric Jiguet, Romain Lorrilière, Luc Doyen). Land Use Policy, 2019, 85: 239–248. [ bib ; link ; wp ]
  • Does issuing building permits reduce the cost of land? An estimation based on the demand for building land in France (with Jean Cavailhès, Mohamed Hilal and Julie Le Gallo). Economics and Statistics, 2018, 500-501-502, 45–67. [ bib ; file ; sup ; link ]
  • Nonlinear impact estimation in spatial autoregressive models (with Kassoum Ayouba and Julie Le Gallo). Economics Letters, 2018, 163: 59–64. [ bib ; file ; sup ; link ]
  • Distance decay in the willingness to pay for wine: Disentangling local and organic attributes (with Raja Chakir, and Stéphan Marette). Environmental and Resource Economics, 2017, 68(4): 997–1019. [ bib ; file ; pres ; sup ; link ]
  • Aggregated versus individual land-use models: Modeling spatial autocorrelation to increase predictive accuracy (with Raja Chakir and Julie Le Gallo). Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 2017, 22(2): 129–145. [ bib ; file ; sup ; link ; online ; wp ]
  • The economics of land use reveals a selection bias in tree species distribution models (with Joannès Guillemot, Nicolas Martin-St Paul, Luc Doyen, and Paul Leadley). Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2017, 26(1):65–77. [ bib ; file ; pres ; sup ; link ]
  • The informational content of land price and its relevance for environmental issues (with Laure Latruffe). Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2016, 10(3-4):183–226. [ bib ; file ; link ; wp ]
  • Integrated models, scenarios and dynamics of climate, land use and common birds (with Raja Chakir, Luc Doyen, Frédéric Jiguet and Paul Leadley). Climatic Change, 2014, 126(1-2):13–30. [ bib ; file ; sup ; link ; online]
  • Efficiency and equity of land conservation schemes: The effect of policy scale (with Claude Napoléone). Journal of Environmental Management, 2014, 129:190–198. [ bib ; link ]
  • A spatial hedonic approach on land use change anticipations (with Ghislain Geniaux and Claude Napoléone). Journal of Regional Science, 2012, 51(5):967–986. [ bib ; link ]

Refereed papers (in French)

  • La capitalisation du prix des vins dans le prix des vignes en Côte-d’Or (avec Abdoul Diallo et Hai-Vu Pham). Revue Économique, 2023, 74 (1). [ bib ; file ]
  • Les déterminants naturels et politiques des AOC viticoles de Côte-d’Or (avec Mohamed Hilal). CyberGéo, 2021. [ bib ; file ; sup ; link ]
  • Vers une évaluation des coûts de la dégradation des sols : Éléments de cadrage, outil d'analyse et études de cas (avec Noémie Pousse, Laurent Rigou et Laurent Thannberger). Étude et Gestion des Sols, 2020, 27:147–161. [ bib ; file ; link ]
  • Délivrer des permis de construire pour diminuer le coût du foncier? Une estimation par la demande de terre constructible (avec Jean Cavailhès, Mohamed Hilal et Julie Le Gallo). Économie et Statistiques, 2018, 500-501-502, 45–67. [ file ; sup ; link ; pres ]
  • Information sur l'hétérogénéité de la terre et délégation de la régulation foncière. Revue d'Économie Politique, 2015, 125(3):453–474. [ bib ; link ; wp ]
  • La gestion publique des ressources foncières: Entre évaluation de la rareté et choix d'usage (avec Claude Napoléone). Revue des Régions Arides, 2013, 30(1):177–190. [ bib ; file ]

Other documents

  • Les consommateurs face à l’évolution des Appellations d’Origine Contrôlée (avec Monia Saïdi, Stéphan Marette and Christophe Martin). INRAE Sciences Sociales, 2020, [ link ]
  • The drivers of spatial cropping patterns in Burgundy (with Valentin Bellassen and Mohamed Hilal). UMR CESAER Working Papers 2020-1, 2020, [ link ]
  • Sols artificialisés et processus d'artificialisation des sols: déterminants, impacts et leviers d'action (Béatrice Béchet, Yves Le Bissonnais, Anne Ruas, et al.) ESCo INRA-IFSTTAR, 2017, [ link ]
  • Improving the estimates of agricultural land valuation: report to the World Bank (with Philippe Bontems, Raja Chakir and Laure Latruffe). HAL-01462707, 2015 [ link ]
  • La valeur des attributs naturels des terres agricoles de Côte-d'Or (with Jean-Marc Brayer, Jean Cavailhès, Pierre Curmi, Mohamed Hilal and Marjorie Ubertosi). CESAER Working Paper 2012, [ link ]
  • Hétérogénéité de la terre et rareté économique. PhD thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2011, [ link ]


Séminaire FAR (June, Paris, France) ; Séminaire INED (June, Paris, France)
AERE@AEE (February, New York, USA) ; Spatial Econometrics Workshop (May, Dijon, France) ; Journées PSAE (June, Paris, France) Journées d'Étude des Sols (June, Dijon, France) ; Jeudis Expertise Vigne & Vin (September, Dijon, France).
Wine and Spirit Seminar of the Burgundy School of Business (June, Dijon, France) ; Association Française de Sciences Économiques (June, Dijon, France)
Journées INRAE–SFER–CIRAD (March, Anger, France) ; Atelier Vin et Société (Institut d’études avancées de Paris) ; Séminaire SMART-LERECO (October, Rennes, France) ; Journées Recherches en Sciences Sociales (December, Toulouse, France)
Séminaire Vigne et Vins (March, Dijon, France).
World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling (May, Montréal, Canada) ; Transmission du Patrimoine Viticole en Bourgogne (June, Beaune, France)
Séminaire LARESS à l'ESA (April, Angers, France) ; Journées Ingé plus (April, Dijon, France).
Ministère de l'écologie (March, Paris, France) ; Séminaire du LEF (March, Nancy, France) ; Vineyard Data Quantification Society (May, Colmar, France) ; Spatial Econometrics Workshop (May, Avignon, France) ; Société Française d'Écologie (October, Marseille, France) ; Séminaire du LAMETA (December, Montpellier, France) ; Journée du département SAE2 (December, Paris, France).
Salon International de l'Agriculture (February, Paris, France) ; Wine seminar at Kedge School of Business (May, Bordeaux, France) ; American Association of Wine Economists (May, Mendoza, Argentina) ; Natural Resource Modelling workshop (June, Bordeaux, France) ; TRUSTEE General Meeting (October, Malmoe, Swedish) ; Dialogues Interdisciplinaires, (December, Dijon, France).
Global Land Project Science meeting (March, Berlin, Germany) ; Métaprogramme INRA ACCAF (December, Orléans, France).
VII Conference of Spatial Econometrics Association (July, Washington, USA) ; Internal Seminary CRESE, (October, Besançon, France) ; Global Change Adaptation, (November, Clermont-Ferrand, France) ; Journées INRA–SFER–CIRAD (December, Angers, France).
Planning, Law and Property Rights (February, Belfast, United Kingdom) ; Workshop Spatial Econometrics and Statistics (November, Avignon, France) ; Journées INRA–SFER–CIRAD (December, Toulouse, France).
Internal Seminary Ecodéveloppement (October, Avignon, France).
EAAE Ph.D. Workshop (September, Giessen, Germany) ; Journées d'Étude des Sols (May, Strasbourg, France).
Journées INRA–SFER–CIRAD (December, Lille, France).

Other activities

Research programs

  • RURALITIC (2025-2028) funded by European Union, Horizon Europe
  • OPOSOM (2024-2026) funded by ANR, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
  • LAMARTINE (2023-2026) funded by ANR, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
  • Risca 2 (2023-2026) funded by Plan National Dépérissement du Vignoble
  • SERENA (2022-2025) funded by EJP SOIL, European Joint Program
  • LOCUS (2022-2025) funded by ANR, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
  • OMISEP (2022-2024) funded by ADEME, Agence de la Transition Écologique
  • PubPrivLands (2019-2021) funded by Région Bourgogne Franche-Comté (ISIT-BFC)
  • Risca (2019-2021) funded by Plan National Dépérissement du Vignoble
  • Trustee (2013-2017) funded by EU FP7, ERA-NET RURAGRI program
  • Mobilis (2012-2013) funded by FRB, Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité
  • EcoSolHydro (2011-2012) funded by ADEME and MEEDE, from GESSOL program

Teaching experience

Course Place Hours Formation Period
Land Economics Univ. of Franche-Comté 6 Postgrad. 2023 (1 yrs)
Econometrics SciencesPo Dijon 24/48 Undergrad. 2018–2025 (7 yrs)
Economics SciencesPo Dijon 48 Undergrad. 2016–2021 (5 yrs)
Econometrics AgroParisTech 24 Postgrad. 2012–2017 (5 yrs)
Econometrics Univ. of Franche-Comté 18 Postgrad. 2012–2017 (5 yrs)
Microeconomics Univ. of Burgundy 14 Undergrad. 2010–2011 (1 yrs)

Referee reports

Acta Oeconomica (1), American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1), Ecological Economics (2), Économie et Statistique (2), Économie Rurale (2), Environmental Modeling and Assessment (1), Environmental and Resource Economics (1), European Review of Agricultural Economics (3), International Journal of Geographical Information Science (1), International Journal of Strategic Property Management (1), Journal of Agricultural Economics (1), Journal of Environmental Management (3), Plos One (1), Regional Studies (1), Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies (1), Revue Économique (1), Revue d'Économie Régionale et Urbaine (3), Spatial Economic Analysis (2), Spatial Statistics (1), Sustainability (1).


  • Consultant and Expert for INAO, the French National Institute of the Signs of Quality and Origin.
  • Consultant for Inter-Rhône, the organization of wine producers from the Rhône Valley.
  • Member of the scientific committee of RNEST, a network about the management of soil quality (2018-2024).
  • Expert in a scientific team about "Artificialized land and artificialization processes: determinants, impacts and levers for action" [ website ].
  • Member of the scientific committee of the Workshop on Spatial Econometrics and Statistics.
  • Member of the Conseil d'orientation scientifique of the French association for agricultural economics (SFER).
  • Other activities: Distillerie Mazy in Burgundy and Domaine Raspail-Ay in Rhône Valley.

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